The Climate Crisis in Buddhism

ice floating on the sea with mountains and clouds in the background

As you recall, I went to the International Western Dharma Teachers Gathering in late October.  Last time I talked about what I learned to support practice.  This time I want to share some of what I learned about the climate crisis and the response or lack of response from Buddhist…

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Nature Speaks

sunset over Little Traverse Bay, Lake Michigan

There is a way that nature speaks, that land speaks. Most of the time we are simply not patient enough, quiet enough, to pay attention to the story. I think this is also the dharma, not just dukkha, attachment and the poisons.

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We All Want to be Happy

man standing by a mountain

We’ve just passed the 9/11 anniversary and you’ve probably heard a lot of remembrances about that day.  It’s the kind of event that you never forget where you were when you first learned about it.  I can even see in my minds eye where I was and the first images…

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