Introduction to Reflective Mindfulness Meditation

This 5-week class will introduce you to a meditation practice called Reflective Meditation. This approach is an open, receptive practice that is gentle and creative and encourages your natural curiosity.  Previous students have said that it helped them meditate regularly, be less judgmental and reactive to their environments and improve their own kindness towards themselves and others.

If you’re interested in learning how to meditate or have tried meditating before with little success, this may be the class for you.

Reflective Meditation is uniquely suited for people who have tried meditating before and feel they’ve failed.  Statements such as “I’ve tried meditating before and I can’t do it. My mind won’t stop”. This is not a problem with Reflective Meditation.  You’ll learn the 3 part process of Reflective Meditation which will help you establish a practice that works for you.

These classes are also open to people who have never meditated or already have an established meditation practice but would like to learn more about Reflective Meditation.

New classes start in the Fall.

I offer my classes throughout the year. If you would like to be added to the waitlist for future offerings, please submit your information below.

Photo by he zhu on Unsplash

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About Erica Dutton

Erica Dutton is an experienced teacher and practitioner of Reflective Meditation. She has dedicated herself to sharing this practice so others can succeed in meditation, see their experience as important and valuable, and realize the benefits.


  1. Interested in upcoming 5 week class

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