Drop-In Meditation Group

We need a refuge—a place to go where we can sit and meditate together and share our sittings.  We need a supportive community to help us navigate and find some peace and serenity as we move forward.

In an effort to provide a space for this, I am offering meditation groups. If you already have a practice, you are welcome to continue the methods you have learned. If you are new to meditation, or if meditation hasn’t worked well for you before, I invite you to try Reflective Meditation. Take a look at the rest of my website for information about me, as well as to learn more about Reflective Meditation and how to get started.  I’ll offer brief instruction during the groups too.

These groups are open to anyone, and you’re free to come as often as you want. They are offered freely, but you are welcome to give a donation to help me continue this work.

Online Group Every Thursday Afternoon

I’m offering a weekly drop in meditation group on Thursdays from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm.  It’s open to people who already have a meditation practice and to those new to meditation. You are welcome to join us as often as you like. Please plan to join the Zoom a few minutes early so we can be ready to start on time.

Join Zoom Meeting  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81005898832 or use  Meeting ID: 810 0589 8832      Passcode: 100

If you are interested in learning more about Reflective Meditation, please consider taking my Introduction to Reflective Meditation class. This 5-week class will give you a foundation in this approach. See all of my classes for more information.

Photo by he zhu on Unsplash

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About Erica Dutton

Erica Dutton is an experienced teacher and practitioner of Reflective Meditation. She has dedicated herself to sharing this practice so others can succeed in meditation, see their experience as important and valuable, and realize the benefits.


  1. Hi Erica,
    I am so glad to hear from you! Thanks for persisting with me.
    (We have had many issues..husband in hospital, needing daily care at nursing clinic.) and I am sad to say, I have not taken the proper care of myself I should be !
    So, yes I will do the drop in meditation, and will forward you money…need to learn how to do it internationally…so I am up on it..and can pay my way.
    I will note your classes and will attend whenever I can!
    Hope all is well there & that you are staying strong. Love your positive approach in your notes & blogs.
    Take care ..Dianne

  2. It’s always helpful to have a group of practitioners to sit with. Thank you for creating these groups!

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