Author: Erica Dutton
Musings on Time and Dukkha
Perceptions, Truth, and Our Narratives
Self Compassion
What makes it hard to be compassionate to yourself? What did you learn growing up, from school, work, your family, or community about being compassionate to yourself? Did you hear things like; ‘Get going’, ’you’re just feeling sorry for yourself’ or ‘you’re just having a pity party’. ‘be strong’, ‘be…
Navigating the News
The Two Arrows
Scottish Highlands and Our Practice
Reinvigorating Your Meditation Practice in 2024
The Listening Ear
As humans, we are hungry to be heard. In fact, we will do anything to accomplish that—scream, yell, cry, beat the walls, post graffiti, you name it. It’s so essential to our well-being that when we’re not heard, it’s physically and emotionally painful and results in loneliness, anxiety and depression. Our…