Author: Erica Dutton
Reinvigorating Your Meditation Practice in 2024
The Listening Ear

As humans, we are hungry to be heard. In fact, we will do anything to accomplish that—scream, yell, cry, beat the walls, post graffiti, you name it. It’s so essential to our well-being that when we’re not heard, it’s physically and emotionally painful and results in loneliness, anxiety and depression. Our…
Impermanence and the Five Remembrances
Compassion in a Time of Conflict
This past week or so has been very difficult for me with all the news about the war in the Middle East. I imagine it’s the same for you. Thich Nhat Hanh encourages us not to look away from suffering, and at the same time we need to recognize our…
Should We Keep Our ‘Sacred Cows’?
Vulnerability and Impermanence
Beliefs, Perceptions, and Caring
Becoming Familiar With Our Minds
I want to talk about why it’s so important to become familiar with our own minds and our own experience. All of our teachers talk about this, but why? Many years ago when I was first starting meditation, when I was practicing in the Vipassana model, I would try to…