The Two Arrows

A graphic representation of a mermaid swimming over pink flowers, titled “Mermaid memories,” by limberlostt

I’m writing this after my 3rd day in New Port Richey, Florida where I’m staying at a lovely house called The Mermaid’s Cove. There are dozens of statues of mermaids throughout the house of all sizes including a 10ft metal sculpture of a mermaid holding a pearl and her tail…

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Scottish Highlands and Our Practice

Green mountains with a stream flowing between them, in the Scottish highlands

There is a book written in the ’40’s called “The Living Mountain”.  It was written by a Scottish woman named Nan Shepherd.  She spent her life exploring a mountain in a small area of Scotland in the Highlands and wrote a book about what she learned. She apparently spent hundreds of days…

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The Listening Ear

As humans, we are hungry to be heard. In fact, we will do anything to accomplish that—scream, yell, cry, beat the walls, post graffiti, you name it.  It’s so essential to our well-being that when we’re not heard, it’s physically and emotionally painful and results in loneliness, anxiety and depression. Our…

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