Post Election Recovery

No matter where you are on the political spectrum, this has been a bruising year.  The election is over, so now where do we go from here?  There is so much division, anger, and even hate—all of which don’t lead us to happiness, peace, or thriving as human beings.  We’ve…

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Coping with Pain in Our Practice

A stainless steel sculpture depicting a neuron, with branches similar to those of a tree. Blue sky fills the background, and bright sunlight glints off the metal.

Since April of this year, I’ve been the unlucky recipient of pain in various parts of my body, all Musculo-skeletal. This is the 2nd time I’ve had pain for extended periods so I’m hoping this one will resolve too. In the meantime, it’s been a challenge to my meditation practice as…

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Musings on Time and Dukkha

Lately, when I sit in the late afternoon watching the sunset through my family room door wall, I’m aware of the beauty of this time of day. For photographers, this is called the Golden Hour. The slanting of the sun, shining through the trees and shrubs gives a glow you…

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